
Music English Camp for the visually impaired Day 5

Day 5 (July 15, 2011)
100 donuts from Nick and Mrs. Wang
Dancing with 1, 2, 3 and the 7th floor (inside joke)

Every morning we try to start our day off with an immense amount of energy. For the past four days, we sang songs to inspire that energy from our volunteers and students.  Students and volunteers a like responded well to music and so we thought it was impossible to inspire more energy from participants; After all, getting everybody bumped up and ready to go first thing in the morning is not easy task. However, we were proven wrong today. Our students and volunteers started the day with excitement. There were people singing, dancing and having a good time. What was the variable that caused this atmosphere?  The answer is ………. 100 donuts.  Thank you Nick and Mrs. Wang!

It was a good thing that we started the day on such a high note because right afterwards we treated our participants to dance lessons. It was no easy task getting there.  However, we bumped into very nice people on the bus. These people made sure that everyone was comfortable and safe. Thank you all! Once we got there, all our participants were eager to learn. It didn’t take long before people started moving their body.
Dancing with spandex
Students performing

However, our instructor had much more in mind then just getting us relaxed. Our instructor choreographed a routine for us to follow. Her choreography required the usage of the whole room. Our participants were having a great time dancing and running around.

After the dance routine, students and volunteers started to become more and more aware of the fifth day’s implications. Many began to realize the fifth day is the last day of the camp. During lunch the intermediate class presented a gift for their volunteers. Many of our volunteers were touched. The atmosphere was bittersweet as students and volunteers practice their performances for the closing ceremony.

Group photo (Students and volunteers)

The closing ceremony had many interesting performances. The entire student body did a rendition of the song “Maria and the Children Lyrics - Do-Re-Mi.” Furthermore, the entire student body did a rendition of the song “hallelujah.” 

Hoger, our student, did a special rendition on The Rose by Bette Midler. Please take a look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuLa7X90Z0g 

Hoger is not our only super star. Each group, junior, intermediate, and advance all performed a song. There were students playing the drums, piano, saxophone and the guitar. Everyone was having a good time. Before the closing, Jeff made a very special video for us all. Please check it out.
